Delivering Telehealth Rapidly with Epic
Arm Your Frontline with Tools to Monitor, Diagnose, Manage, Treat, and Prevent the Spread of COVID-19
Arm Your Frontline with Tools to Monitor, Diagnose, Manage, Treat, and Prevent the Spread of COVID-19
This is the last component in my #returntorevenue series, highlighting the steps necessary to expeditiously trend up your financial health in light of COVID-19. This final step is arguably the most important. You can take all the right strategic and operational steps in the world but if your technology, your EHR, your core revenue processing mechanisms and staff aren’t aligned, you’ll inevitably see and experience subpar results. The simple fact is, there are things you should have done yesterday, things you should be doing right now, and things you’ll need to continue to do, monitor, and improve in the future.
For over 20 years, the government and the healthcare industry have been trying to figure out how to make EHRs a meaningful tool that benefits providers and patients. But healthcare organizations typically face numerous obstacles to achieving that end. Recently, Healthcare Triangle partnered with CHIME to hold a focus group of healthcare CIOs to identify the most common roadblocks they face in optimizing their EHR.
Seven out of 10 physicians have used the same electronic health record (EHR) for more than five years, a Medical Economics survey found. Yet one-third of physicians still struggle with EHR usability: 38% want a system that is easier to use, and 33% want customization options.
Epic’s Community Connect program enables large healthcare systems with Epic EHRs to “share” their systems with independent and small-group practices. But there’s a lot to consider in selecting a host.