
Interoperability – Get your head in the cloud

Healthcare organizations have tools available on the cloud to solve the toughest healthcare processes, and more tools are introduced every day. It all comes down to envisioning a better process and identifying the data needed at what point in the process to make your workflow intuitive – both on screen and to the clinicians and patients.


Making Your EHR Work for You: 7 Roadblocks Faced by Healthcare Leaders

For over 20 years, the government and the healthcare industry have been trying to figure out how to make EHRs a meaningful tool that benefits providers and patients. But healthcare organizations typically face numerous obstacles to achieving that end. Recently, Healthcare Triangle partnered with CHIME to hold a focus group of healthcare CIOs to identify the most common roadblocks they face in optimizing their EHR.

EHR Blog

Reducing Physician Burnout with EHR Optimization: 3 Examples

Even before the pandemic, American Medical Association research linked breakdowns in EHR usability to physician burnout. Now, with 51% of physicians saying the time they spend on the EHR outside scheduled work time is “excessive” or “moderately high,” identifying ways to optimize use of the EHR is emerging as a key way to relieve physicians’ administrative burden and bring back joy in medicine.

Digital Transformation in Healthcare Survey Blog

Eliminating Barriers to Digital Transformation in Healthcare: Practical Tips 

According to a recent Healthcare Triangle survey, two out of three healthcare executives strive to digitally transform their healthcare organization primarily to improve the patient experience. Unfortunately, according to the same survey, some two-thirds of respondents who say they have a documented strategy for digital transformation believe they don’t have enough resources to implement it. The biggest obstacles: lack of staff resources (49%) and cost (about 25%).

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