
Cloud Healthcare Security

Not Getting the ROI You Expected from the Cloud? Look at Your Operating Model

According to a recent Accenture analysis, two out of three life sciences organizations struggle to achieve optimal return from their investments in cloud computing. This is unfortunate, considering that the cloud is clearly emerging as a game changer in pharma, biotech, medtech and other companies in this space. In pharma alone, the cloud computing market is expected to reach $12.1 billion in 2022, up from $4.7 billion in 2017.


Making Your EHR Work for You: 7 Roadblocks Faced by Healthcare Leaders

For over 20 years, the government and the healthcare industry have been trying to figure out how to make EHRs a meaningful tool that benefits providers and patients. But healthcare organizations typically face numerous obstacles to achieving that end. Recently, Healthcare Triangle partnered with CHIME to hold a focus group of healthcare CIOs to identify the most common roadblocks they face in optimizing their EHR.

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