
2021 Revenue Cycle – What to Expect?

As 2021 is now underway, here’s what you can expect from healthcare-centric revenue cycle projects. Budgets and spending may continue to get trimmed throughout the year to offset the financial difficulties and lower margins COVID has brought, but IT and RCM technology projects will be mostly untouched, and may even get bumped-up in priority.

Focus on Interoperability – Your Critical Priority in 2021

As we move into 2021, the industry will be faced with yet another seemingly insurmountable challenge – interoperability. For nearly a decade, the industry has been slowly making systemic changes trying to reach a dream of healthcare interoperability. But perhaps for the first time, the combination of COVID, the realities of the 21st Century Cures Act, and the changing socio-political landscape will begin to break down barriers and place interoperability at the forefront and demand rapid innovation this year.

Will APIs and The Cloud Make Interface Engines Obsolete?

Healthcare has relied on interface engines for decades to transport and transform data between systems. These monolithic systems are typically big, complex and require highly specialized skills to implement and operate. In most cases they represent a large capital investment and are difficult to replace because of how interwoven they become in the organization.

Interoperability – Building a Roadmap

Where will the road take us? Are we there yet? Familiar phrases amongst road-trippers and travelers, but it’s not a strategy for Healthcare Interoperability. This road needs to be planned out and built with flexibility; a framework for what the future may bring. Consider the interstate road systems across North America. It cannot get you everywhere you want to go, but it provides a route to get you most of the way there that is efficient and provides services along the way.

Constant Onslaught of Data

“Constant Onslaught of Data”: The Tricky Balance Clinicians Face in Sorting Through the Noise

“You can’t over-communicate.”
It’s a saying many physicians and IT leaders are familiar with and, for many years, it held true. But in today’s world, where data is being collected from all types of devices, that’s no longer the case. “The reality is, you absolutely can over-communicate, and drive people crazy so that they don’t see anything,” said Becky Fox, CNIO at Atrium Health, during a recent panel discussion.


Interoperability – Get your head in the cloud

Healthcare organizations have tools available on the cloud to solve the toughest healthcare processes, and more tools are introduced every day. It all comes down to envisioning a better process and identifying the data needed at what point in the process to make your workflow intuitive – both on screen and to the clinicians and patients.

Key Takeaways

Webinar Key Takeaways: Responding to Ransomware with AWS Backup and DR

Ransomware attacks have proven to be one of the most destructive cyber threats for healthcare organizations, driving financial and legal strain and disrupting their care delivery processes and quality. In the face of high-profile cyberattacks on healthcare organizations, Joe Grinstead, Vice President – Technology at Healthcare Triangle Inc, and Roman Schwartz, DR Expert at AWS, presented the latest webinar, “Responding to Ransomware with AWS Backup and DR”.

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